Why should you choose CLI over GUI?

Why should you choose CLI over GUI?

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This article explores the benefits of using a Command Line Interface (CLI) over a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for developers. CLI is faster, more responsive, and suitable for automation and remote access. It integrates better with developer tools, is more lightweight, and offers a precise way to work with APIs. By providing complete control, CLI enhances productivity and efficiency despite misconceptions that it's only for experts. Developers are encouraged to leverage CLI tools for improved workflow and expanded technical skills.

What is CLI?

CLI stands for "Command Line Interface". In short a CLI is a way to control and operate a computer or software using text commands instead of graphical buttons and menus.

Command Line Interface

What is GUI?

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a visual-based user interface that allows users to interact with a computer or software using graphical elements such as icons, menus, and buttons by a mouse, instead of text commands entered through a keyboard.

Graphical User Interface

Why prefer CLI over GUI?

As a developer, you have the choice to work with/in either a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command-line interface (CLI). While GUIs are visually appealing and easier to use, CLI interfaces offer several advantages that make them a more preferable(& vital sometimes) option for many developers.

CLI is an extremely powerful tool or interface that can be far more efficient than graphical interfaces, if used properly. But beginners may find it scary or tedious at first, only leading them to think that it is for advanced users; which isn't true. In truth, CLIs are the unsung heroes of modern software development.

In this blog post, we'll explore the top reasons why you would prefer to work in a CLI over a GUI. So, let's go!

Reasons to take account of

1. Faster & More Responsive

CLIs are generally faster and more responsive than their GUI counterparts. This is because CLI tools don't have to render graphics or wait for user input, which can lead to delays and slowdowns in GUI applications. CLI tools can perform tasks quickly and efficiently, without any unnecessary delays or waiting times.

2. Automation & Remote Access

CLI interfaces are well-suited for automation tasks, as developers can easily create scripts and batch files to automate repetitive tasks. This can save a significant amount of time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex projects. CLI tools also support piping, which allows you to chain multiple commands together to perform complex operations in a single command. Command Line Interfaces can also be accessed remotely just like GUIs, allowing developers to manage and configure systems even without physical access to the machine.

3. Better Integration with Developer Tools

CLI provides better integration with tools like code editors(VSCode, Neovim, JetBrains IDEs, etc.), version control systems, and build automation tools like Make, CMake or Gradle.

4. More Lightweight

CLIs are generally more lightweight than GUIs, which makes them ideal for resource-constrained environments like embedded systems or low-end PCs. CLI tools don't require the same amount of system resources as GUI applications, which can lead to better performance and efficiency in these environments.

5. Interface for working with APIs

Command-line interfaces (CLIs) are highly effective tools for interacting with application programming interfaces (APIs). This is because APIs are typically designed to be consumed by other software applications, and CLIs offer a simple and efficient way to automate and streamline these interactions. Meanwhile, there are many open source CLI tools(e.g.- keploy) that can automate the long boring work of API testing. Unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which can be less flexible and less customizable, CLIs allow developers to easily automate repetitive tasks, integrate APIs into scripts and workflows, and quickly access detailed information about API responses.

The reality is that CLIs are perhaps one of the best interfaces to an API

6. Complete Control

While a graphical user interface (GUI) enables users to manage basic operating system functions and file operations, advanced tasks such as automation, scripting, and network administration still require the need of a CLI. This is because the CLI provides direct access to the operating system's inner workings, allowing for greater customization and efficiency. Additionally, complex tasks can be simplified through the use of CLI commands, which can be executed more quickly and accurately than through a GUI.


  • CLI needs fewer resources.

  • Automates workflow by handling repetitive task easily.

  • It grants you much power & control.

  • Ensures high precision & improves productivity.


Despite of the myth that CLI is only for highly experienced folks and technical experts, now you know that it is for almost anybody who knows the commands well and knows what & the consequences of what he/she is doing.

CLI interfaces offer several advantages over GUIs that make them a preferred choice for many developers. While GUIs may still have their place in certain situations, CLI tools should be considered as a preferred choice for many development tasks due to their speed, customizability, lightweight nature, better integration with other tools, accessibility, greater flexibility, learning potential, and professional appeal. As a developer, it's worth exploring the world of CLI tools to see how they can improve your productivity and efficiency while also expanding your technical skills and expertise.

So, go ahead, get used to Command-line Interface and get your job done easily, in a better way.

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